Long-Term Care Options for Your Aging Loved One
Selection of a long-term facility for your family member can be difficult. There’s a lot of consider, including: location, quality of care, medical and rehab services, finances and insurance. Take time to learn about your options. Ask family members, friends, and other health care professional what they suggest. You can also contact groups that have great acknowledge on senior care:
- Area Agency on Aging (AAA). These groups can provide information about local nursing homes and other long-term care options. For more information visit: https://jcaaa.org/
- National Long Ombudsman Resource Center. An ombudsman is an advocate for residents’ rights and quality of life. Ombudsmen can provide information about how to find long-term care setting and how to get quality pf care. https://ltcombudsman.org/
- Leading Age PA offers tips about nursing homes and other community- based services. To learn more, go to https://www.leadingagepa.org/
- The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care. This group offers a guide about choosing a nursing home. https://theconsumervoice.org/
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This federal agency sponsors a website with detailed information about the quality of services at all Medicare- and Medicaid certified nursing homes in the U.S. To learn more, go to medicare.gov