What is Medicare?
Medicare is the senior health insurance program offered by the federal government. Started in 1965, the program is managed by the Social Security Administration and offers basic health services to over 60 million seniors.
To be eligible for Medicare, a beneficiary must be a U.S. citizen or green card holder who has reached the minimum age of 65, deemed disabled or been diagnosed with a qualifying chronic medical condition. Medicare is accepted by over 93% of health care providers in the United States, who provide a range of covered services for qualifying individuals, from inpatient hospitalization care to outpatient services and prescription drug benefits.
Medicare Parts
Medicare coverage is available in one of two basic ways, known as Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. Original Medicare is broken into parts, called A and B, which provide coverage for different services.
For more information, including the Medicare parts, please visit: https://www.medicareadvantageplans.org/what-is-medicare/