Himalayan Salt and Body, a salt therapy spa in Knox, PA, stopped by our Laurelbrooke Landing facility March 20 for an informative session on the benefits of Himalayan pink salt and halotherapy.
Ron and Cindy Conner, owners of Himalayan Salt and Body, went in-depth on why individuals can benefit from their treatments. As Cindy stated, negative ions counterbalance the many positive ions we pick up from electronic devices like cell phones, tablets, etc. Neutralizing the atmosphere in this way stabilizes mood, decreases stress, and prepares the body for healing. This can provide some with relief for sleep problems, allergies, COPD, and some skin ailments.
For more information on Himalayan Salt and Body, you can view its site here.
Laurelbrooke plays host to informative sessions like this and many other interesting events. You can always check our Facebook page and website for details on future events.