Event Safety Precautions*
At WRC, public safety remains our highest priority. As a nonprofit organization that provides senior living and healthcare, we are acutely aware of the ever-changing environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. We are in the business of serving people, and in the midst of this coronavirus outbreak, it’s important that we take the additional required and necessary precautions to protect our Cork & Fork guests, as well as our event volunteers, WRC staff, and their families.
Social Distancing. All Cork & Fork guests will be required to socially distance at least 6 feet away from other groups throughout the event. We have a large outdoor space, and lines will be drawn at registration and vendor tents to remind guests to keep a safe distance at all times.
Registration. Registration will be done individually, with multiple stations to ensure there is no crowd and minimal wait time while checking in for the event.
Environmental Controls. WRC maintenance staff upholds the highest standards for safety and sanitization. Hand hygiene stations will be featured throughout the event for guests to utilize. There will be staff dedicated towards the sanitization of all high-touch surfaces during the event, including pens, chairs, tables, and restroom facilities.
Food Safety. All WRC staff serving food at the event will follow strict precautions regarding food service, including face coverings, gloves, frequent hand sanitization, and frequent disinfectant of high-touch surfaces.
Screening. We ask that Cork & Fork guests stay home if they are exhibiting any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 (including a new cough, sore throat, muscle aches, chills, and/or a fever higher than 100.4), or if they may have come in close contact with an infected individual. All WRC staff and volunteers at the event will be screened for symptoms prior to the start of the event and at the close of the event, and will be required to wear masks as well as other personal protective equipment (PPE) as necessitated by their role during the event.
Updates 7-30-20
In light of Governor Wolf’s targeted mitigation order (effective July 16th), WRC has been working diligently with the PLCB and our local Liquor Control Enforcement officers to ensure that Cork & Fork can still take place and be a fun and safe fundraising event. In regards to the specifics of this order, below we have outlined some of the guidelines that all Cork & Fork attendees and vendors must follow to make our event safe and successful for all parties involved:
- No more than 250 people, including event volunteers and staff from the vendors, will be allowed to enter the event grounds. WRC will have volunteers counting all those who are entering and exiting to ensure this rule is enforced.
- Wineries, breweries, and distilleries are permitted to offer tastings to Cork & Fork guests IF accompanied by a meal. All guests must first pick up their meal from The Bistro tent, and then proceed to a vendor tent to enjoy a tasting. The meal must be present with the Cork & Fork guest to receive the tasting. All guests will have socially distanced chairs available to them throughout the event grounds to enjoy their meals and their drinks.
- Face coverings must be worn by vendors and event volunteers at all times, and guests must wear face masks to enter and exit the event. Masks will be provided to guests who did not bring one from home. Guests can remove masks to enjoy their food and beverages once they can safely social distance from other groups at our large outdoor setting.
- Gov. Wolf’s order can be found here: https://www.governor.pa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/20200715-TWW-targeted-mitigation-order.pdf and Frequently Asked Questions can be found here: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Guidance/Targeted-Mitigation-FAQ.aspx
*These precautions are subject to change, as we may receive updated legislation from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and/or new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and other regulating bodies.